My name is Felipe Chamorro, also called Splendor. I’m from Santiago, Chile, South America but live in Sweden, Gothenburg. I came first to a small City named Kungälv. I came to Sweden as a little boy, and now I’m 44 years old. I’m a Swedish citizen as well as a Chilean.
My interest in technology and computers came at in early age. The first 3d modeling software I used was 3DSmax, this was when I was about 15-16 years old. I few years later i discovered Autodesk Maya, at that time is was named Alias Wavefront Maya.
I’m from the beginning a 3D Generalist and have a specialization within the 3d world, which is hard surface design and modeling.
I have my company for about 8-9 years. And I have recently set myself up for Freelance, which is fun to make more connections and grow as an artist and person.
I’m also very interested in the Automotive world and now learning Unreal Engine for Automotive Visualization. I really like look development and lighting.
When a look for inspiration, they are so much talent but especially Syd Mead, Scott Robertsson, Christian Grajewski, Andrian Luchian, Michael Black, Furio Tedeschi, Daniel Simon, Ben Erdt, Glauco Longhi, Ash Thorp and of course Vitaly Bulgarov, and Alex Alvarez.
These artists are my main inspiration for keeping me working harder at my art.
When it comes to Software, well, the software is just a tool but if you get really good at it, it makes it easier to make your art, which means practice, practice, and practice.
I frequently use Blender, Cycles, Adobe Photoshop, Davinci Resolve, Substance 3D Painter, Affinity Photo, and Affinity Designer. Currently learning Plasticity and Unreal 5.X
The software I use a little less is Maxon Redshift, Adobe After Effects, Maxon ZBrush, Affinity Publisher, and Alchemy. Also, I switched from Maya to Blender due to the high cost of Autodesk Maya.
I speak three languages fluently, Spanish, English, and Swedish. #NOAI
It’s a process, and the process is not given! It’s given by doing! – Felipe Chamorro